La Desolación de Smaug
contacts Créditos
- Dirección
- Guión
- Reparto
- Producción
- Música Original
- Fotografía
- Montaje
- Casting
- Diseño de Producción
- Dirección Artística
- Decoración de Escenarios
- Diseño de vestuario
- Maquillaje
- Dirección de Producción
- Ayudante de Dirección
- Departamento de Arte
- Departamento de Sonido
- Efectos Especiales
- Efectos Visuales
- Dobles
- Cámara y Departamento Eléctrico
- Departamento de Animacion
- Departamento de Reparto
- Departamento de Vestuario
- Departamento de Edición
- Departamento de Música
- Departamento de Transporte
- Otros miembros del equipo
- Agradecimientos
- Productoras
- Distribuidores
- Compañías de Efectos Especiales
- Otras Compañías
- Peter Jackson
- J.R.R. Tolkien - Autor de la novela original «The Hobbit»
- Fran Walsh
- Philippa Boyens
- Peter Jackson
- Guillermo del Toro
- Luke Evans - Bardo
- Elijah Wood - Frodo Bolsón
- Martin Freeman - Bilbo Bolsón
- Cate Blanchett - Galadriel
- Evangeline Lilly - Tauriel
- Orlando Bloom - Legolas
- Hugo Weaving - Elrond
- Ian McKellen - Gandalf
- Richard Armitage - Thorin Escudo de Roble
- Andy Serkis - Gollum
- Christopher Lee - Saruman
- Billy Connolly - Dain Pie de hierro
- Lee Pace - Rey Thranduil
- Ian Holm - Bilbo anciano
- William Kircher - Bifur
- Mikael Persbrandt - Beorn
- Aidan Turner - Kili
- James Nesbitt - Bofur
- John Bell - Bain
- Bret McKenzie - Lindir
- Barry Humphries - Gran Trasgo
- Conan Stevens - Bolg
- Graham McTavish - Dwalin
- Ken Stott - Balin
- Sylvester McCoy - Radagast
- Dean O'Gorman - Fili
- Jed Brophy - Nori
- Jeffrey Thomas - Rey Thror
- Terry Notary - Trasgo
- Craig Hall - Galion (rumored)
- Renee Cataldo - Trasgo
- Stephen Hunter - Bombur
- Nathaniel Lees - The Necromancer (voice)
- Adam Brown - Ori
- Mark Hadlow - Dori
- Katie Jackson - Hobbit
- John Callen - Oin
- Peter Hambleton - Gloin
- John Rawls - Azog
- Mark Mitchinson - Braga
- Ben Mitchell - Narzug
- Nathan Meister - Trasgo
- Dean Knowsley - Elven Guard
- Michael Mizrahi - King Thrain
- Robin Kerr - Elros
- Ryan Gage - Alfrid
- Ray Henwood - Net Mender
- Shane Boulton - Elfo de Rivendel (sin acreditar)
- Melanie Carrington - Elfo (sin acreditar)
- Tim McLachlan - Trasgo (sin acreditar)
- Thomas Rimmer - Trasgo (sin acreditar)
- Kiran Shah - Trasgo (sin acreditar)
- James Trevena-Brown - Trasgo (sin acreditar)
- Eric Vespe - Fredegar Chubb (sin acreditar)
- Philippa Boyens - co-productor
- Carolynne Cunningham - productor
- Toby Emmerich - productor ejecutivo
- Callum Greene - productor ejecutivo
- Alan Horn - productor ejecutivo
- Peter Jackson - productor
- Ken Kamins - productor ejecutivo
- Fran Walsh - productor
- Zane Weiner - productor ejecutivo
Música original
- Howard Shore
- Andrew Lesnie - (director de fotografía)
- Jabez Olssen
- Victoria Burrows
- Amy Hubbard
- John Hubbard
- Liz Mullane
- Miranda Rivers
Diseño de Producción
- Dan Hennah
Dirección Artística
- Simon Bright - (supervisor de la dirección artística)
- Andy McLaren
Decoración de Escenarios
- Ra Vincent
Diseño de vestuario
- Ann Maskrey
- Richard Taylor
- Georgia Allen - senior prosthetic makeup artist
- Michele Barber - estilista
- Michele Barber - maquillaje
- Alice Baueris - prosthetics assistant
- Patrick Baxter - prosthetic lab technician
- Ricci-Lee Berry - maquillaje
- Don Brooker - senior prosthetic makeup artist
- Katherine Brown - key prosthetics technician
- Rick Findlater - key makeup and hair supervisor
- Ryk Fortuna - senior prosthetic makeup artist
- Katy Fray - senior prosthetic makeup artist
- Kala Harrison - prosthetics assistant
- Kerrin Jackson - senior prosthetic makeup artist
- Paul Katte - senior prosthetic makeup artist
- Marie Kealy - prosthetics assistant
- Peter King - makeup and hair designer
- Michael Krehl - senior prosthetic makeup artist
- Davina Lamont - workshop hair technician
- Tami Lane - prosthetics supervisor
- Georgia Lockhart-Adams - make up artist and hair stylist
- Catherine Maguire - hair and makeup artist
- Zoe Marsden - senior prosthetic makeup artist
- Renee McCarthy - asistente de maquillaje
- Jaime Leigh McIntosh - hair and make up assistant
- Heather McMullen - prosthetics assistant
- Flora Moody - estilista
- Flora Moody - maquillaje
- Richard Muller - hair and make up artist
- Rachelle O'Donnell - senior prosthetic makeup artist
- Matthew O'Toole - senior prosthetic makeup artist
- Cristina Patterson Ceret - contact lens painter
- Michele Perry - estilista
- Michele Perry - maquillaje
- Daniel Phillips - senior prosthetic makeup artist
- Clare Ramsey - senior prosthetic makeup artist
- Jess Reedy - senior prosthetic makeup artist
- Sarah Rubano - senior prosthetic makeup artist
- Dara Wakely - maquillaje
- Elka Wardega - senior prosthetic makeup artist
Dirección de Producción
- Belindalee Hope - production manager: second unit
- Joshua Levinson - supervisor de post-producción
- Zane Weiner - jefe de producción
- Stephanie Weststrate - supervisor de producción
- Brigitte Yorke - jefe de producción
Ayudante de dirección
- Matthew Baker - second assistant director: UK
- Danielle Blake - asistente de dirección
- Guy Campbell - asistente de dirección
- Byron Darling - asistente de dirección
- Bruno Du Bois - asistente de dirección
- Teuila Field - third assistant director: second unit
- Andy Serkis - director de la segunda unidad
- Liz Tan - first assistant director: second unit
Departamento de Arte
- Matt Austin - key stand-by props
- Martine Bairstow - prop manufacturing coordinator
- Andrew Baker - diseñador: Taller Weta
- Simon Barker - carpintero
- Wayne D. Barlowe - conceptual designer
- Joshua Barraud - asistente de director artístico
- Brett Blenkin - gerente de construcción
- Danny Caldwell - leading hand
- Steven Carroll - set sculptor
- Justin Chappell - on-set stand-by carpenter
- Vanessa Cole - senior set decorating buyer
- Colin Davidson - gerente de construcción
- Darryn Grass Davies - florista
- Joe Dunckley - property master: Weta Workshop
- W. Therese Eberhard - props painting forman
- Rosie Guthrie - ambientador (como Rose Guthrie)
- Johnny Hawkins - lead armour weapons stand-by
- Guja Healy - enyesador
- Brendan Heffernan - artista conceptual
- Jenny Hitchcock - diseñador del foro
- John Howe - conceptual designer
- Bill Hunt - escultor
- Roman Illovsky - equine horse make up artist
- Roman Illovsky - paint make-up
- David Kolff - jefe constructor
- Alan Lee - conceptual designer
- Simon Lowe - key greens
- Warren Mahy - artista del guión gráfico
- Ben Mauro - conceptual designer: Weta workshop
- Margo Kaczynska McKenzie - set finisher
- Mike Mignola - conceptual designer
- Ryan Oliver - florista
- Maria-Rose Payne - props painter
- Daniel Reeve - calligrapher
- Matthew Rodgers - conceptual designer: Weta Workshop
- Michael Smale - asistente de director artístico
- Todd Smythe - construction coordinator: Hobbiton
- Nicole Spackman - props stand-by assistant
- Melissa Spicer - asistente de jefe de utilería
- Mark Stephen - diseñador del foro
- Paul Taylor - carpintero
- Richard Thurston - lead standby armor & weapons
- Jack Tippler - assistant art department coordinator
- Paul Tobin - concept designer
- Gavin Urquhart - diseñador del foro
- Francisco Ruiz Velasco - conceptual designer
- Frank Victoria - conceptual designer: Weta Workshop
- Gillian West-Walker - ambientador
- Megan Wilson - head of engineering
Departamento de sonido
- Ray Beentjes - editor de diálogo
- Corrin Ellingford - operador de micrófono
- David Farmer - diseñador de sonido
- Chris Hiles - sound mixer: second unit
- Tony Johnson - mezclador de sonido de la producción
- Martin Kwok - editor de sonido
- John Simpson - artista "foley"
- Peter D. Smith - grabador "foley"
- Sam Spicer - boom operator: second unit
- Justin Webster - editor de sonido
Efectos especiales
- Sean Douglas Brennan - animatronic designer: Weta Workshop
- Karl Chisholm - special effects senior technician
- Eric Cotton - animatronics
- Paul Davenport - técnico de efectos especiales
- Oliver Gee - técnico de efectos especiales
- Andrew Gillespie - técnico de efectos especiales
- Robert Gillies - workshop supervisor: Weta
- Simon Godsiff - fotografía: Taller Weta
- Chris Hampton - maquillaje para efectos especiales
- Iain Hutton - special effects senior technician
- Mark Keetch - animatronic designer: Weta Workshop
- Phil McLaren - special effects on-set coordinator
- Thommy Opatz - special makeup and prosthetics
- Philip Sharpe - técnico de efectos especiales
- Carlos Slater - propshop technician
- Sky Vega - special effects makeup life casting and mold making
- Paul Verrall - special effects on-set coordinator: second unit
- Fiona Walsh - prosthetics technician
- Doug Falconer - special effects technician: New Zealand (sin acreditar)
Efectos Visuales
- Shaun Friedberg 'Pyrokinesis' - animation technical director: Weta Digital
- Seb Abante - reference photographer: Weta Digital
- David Abbott - shader writer: Weta Digital
- Glen Adlam - camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Michael Aerni - animador Sr.
- Mark Edward Allen - hair/fur artist (como Mark Allen)
- Ryan Arcus - layout technical director: Weta Digital
- Georgy Arevshatov - senior texture artist: Weta Digital
- Kyle Ashley - previsualization artist
- Derrick Auyoung - animation technical director: Weta Digital
- Dan Ayling - camera technical director
- Marco Barbati - creature facial technical director
- Mark Barber - lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Hamish Beachman - digital modeler: Weta Digital
- Brittany Bell - efectos visuales
- Gregory Bellis - camera td: Weta Digital
- Stephen Bennett - digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Alex Berson - digital paint artist: Weta Digital
- Graham Binding - senior animator: Weta Digital
- Robert Bloom - director técnico de iluminación
- Sebastian Bommersheim - senior digital paint artist: Weta Digital
- Jonathan Bot - digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Shane Boulton - actor de captura de movimiento
- Adam Bradley - senior digital paint artist: Weta Digital
- Ryan Brooks - artista del rotoscopio
- Joerg W. Bungert - digital colourist: Weta Digital
- Andy Burmeister - camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Alex Burt - lead animator: Weta Digital
- Julian R. Butler - lead character setup
- Andreas Bystrom - lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Regina Cachuela - animation technical director
- Djordje Cakovan - digital modeler: Weta Digital
- Ben Campbell - lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Caleb Carr - artista del rotoscopio
- Taylor Carrasco - animation technical director
- Arthur Chan - rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Johnny Chan - motion capture
- Leslie Chan - artista digital
- Matthieu Chardonnet - senior effects technical director: Weta Digital
- Jason K.S. Cheung - production engineer: Weta Digital
- Jong Jin Choi - artista digital
- Ria-Bella Chua - rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Jasper Chung - artista del rotoscopio
- Matthew Cioffi - facial modeler
- Craig D. Clarke - layout technical director: Weta Digital
- David Clayton - animation supervisor: weta digital
- Zachary Cole - compositor
- Michael Corcoran - lead creature technical director
- Louis Cox - camera technical director
- Christine Cram - artista pintor digital
- Doug Cram - compositor digital
- Jim Croasdale - senior paint artist
- Christopher Crouzet - character technical director: Weta Digital
- Noemie Cruciani - senior paint artist: Weta Digital
- Aaron Cubis - visual effects editor: Weta Digital Ltd
- Alexia Cui - director técnico de iluminación
- Glenn Curry - layout technical director: Weta Digital
- Ken Dackermann - compositor digital
- Ana Mestre de Almeida Pereira - digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Daphne De Jesus - senior paint artist
- Jennifer Docherty - creatures coordinator: Weta Digital
- Jonny Doig - sequence manager: Weta Digital
- Nebojsa Dragosavac - software developer
- Ryan Duhaime - lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Georgia Dumergue - roto and paint artist
- Shawn Dunn - head of layout/animation technologies: Weta Digital
- Samuel Edwards - technical director: Weta Digital
- Kane Elferink - lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Daniel Elliott - visual effects technical director: Weta Digital
- Joe Engelke - senior paint artist
- Kevin Estey - previsualization artist
- Gianpietro Fabre - visual effects: previz
- Oliver Ferguson - visual effects technical director: Weta Digital
- Florian Fernandez - lead modeler: Weta Digital
- Matt Fitzgerald - digital modeler
- Jason Fleming - lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Matthew Fogarty - camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Ludovic Fouche - camera td
- Guillaume François - senior shader writer
- Johan Fröjd - motion editor: Weta Digital
- Alex Funke - motion control supervisor
- Robb Gardner - lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Storm Gezentsvey - compositor
- Jen Gillespie - technology coordinator: Weta Digital
- Geoffroy Givry - digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Evgeny Glazyrin - director técnico
- Melissa Goddard - compositor digital
- Melissa Goddard - senior paint artist: Weta Digital
- Marcus Goodwin - visual effects production manager
- Martin Groezinger - senior technical director: Weta Digital
- Signy Bjorg Gudlaugsdottir - digital modeler: Weta Digital
- Bassim Haddad - senior motion editor
- Mark Haenga - lead facial modeler
- Faraz Hameed - senior previz animator: Weta Digital
- Yoshihiro Harimoto - creature technical director: Weta Digital
- Adam Harriman - on-set surveyor: Weta Digital
- Toby Haruno - senior character animator: Weta Digital
- Martin Haughey - previs animator
- Quentin Hema - digital paint supervisor: Weta Digital
- Allan Henderson - modeller
- Rachel Herbert - layout technical director: Weta Digital
- Matthew Hicks - lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Matt Holmes - supervising VFX editor
- Tom Holzinger - lead motion editor: Weta Digital
- Teresa Hooper - layout technical director: Weta Digital
- Sandy Houston - rotoscoping supervisor
- Jason Howden - rotoscope and digital paint artist: Weta Digital
- Victor Huang - previsualization animator: Weta Digital
- Alwyn Hunt - senior texture artist: Weta Digital
- Rachel Hydes - motion capture tracker
- Anthony Jacob - layout technical director: Weta Digital
- Ebrahim Jahromi - creature technical director: Weta Digital
- Carolina Jiménez - layout technical director: Weta Digital
- Nathan Johnson - director técnico de iluminación
- Danny Jones - senior roto/paint artist
- Joshua Kamau - artista del rotoscopio
- Miae Kang - lead lighting TD: Weta Digital
- Mike Kelly - camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Kevin Kelm - creature technical director: Weta Digital
- Christian Kickenweitz - motion editor
- Ben Kilgore - creature technical director
- Adam King - lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Oliver Kirchhoff - camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Balazs Kiss - lead lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Makoto Koyama - senior animator: Weta Digital
- Alex Kramer - senior camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Lars Kramer - camera technical director
- Szczepanski Krzysztof - previsualization artist
- Dave Kujawski - production engineer: Weta Digital
- Martin Kulig - camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Jerry Kung - previsualization animator: Weta Digital
- Keith Lackey - technical director: Weta Digital
- Juan Pablo Lampe - digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Marc Landrain - camera technical director
- Luisma Lavin - lead motion editor: Weta Digital
- Ken Lee - artista de texturas
- Iva Lenard - senior reference photographer
- Fabio Leporelli - fur look dev
- Merlin Lepper - previs artist
- Joe Letteri - supervisor de efectos visuales
- Dean Lewandowski - layout technical director: Weta Digital
- Carlos Lin - creature technical director
- Eung Ho Lo - modeler and hair/fur artist: Weta Digital
- Thomas Sing Wai Lo - digital modeler: Weta Digital
- Zachary Lo - compositor: Weta Digital
- Jason Locke - camera technical director
- Jade Lorier - artista de efectos visuales
- Ruth-Anne Loveridge - cg modeler
- Daniel Macarin - CG supervisor: Weta Digital
- Sam Maclennan - wrangler coder: Weta Digital
- Daisuke Maki - lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Paul Maples - controlador de movimiento
- Jason Marlow - camera technical director
- Kirk Mawhinney - facial modeler
- Neil Mayo - editorial team: Weta Digital
- Brad McFlinn - artista del rotoscopio
- Bradley McFlinn - artista del rotoscopio
- Jeremy McKenzie - layout technical director: Weta Digital (como Jeremy Ball)
- Chloe McLean - facial motion editor
- Donal McMullan - production engineer
- Renton McNeill - production engineer: Weta Digital
- Mark McNicholl - lighting assistant technical director
- Gagan Mehta - lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Miklós Mesterházy - lighting technical director: Weta
- Jessica Millar - senior technical director: lighting
- Seth F. Miller - digital paint artist: Weta Digital
- Mo Mohamoud - digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Alberto Montañés - digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Simon Dean Morley - production engineer
- Bo Mosley - environment artist: Weta Digital
- Daniel Moy - artista digital
- Matt Mueller - senior reference photographer
- Nicky Muir - animation production manager
- Arwen Munro - vfx production manager: Weta Digital
- Vanessa Mylchreest - artista de efectos visuales
- Wolfgang Niedermeier - camera lead: Weta Digital
- Ben Nightingale - senior texture artist/look dev: Weta digital
- Greg Notzelman - texture artist: Weta Digital
- James Ogle - lead digital modeler
- Amanda Pamela - digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Sathyan Panneerselvam - previsualization artist
- John Papafotiou - director técnico de iluminación
- Ignacio B. Peña - previsualization artist
- Jeremy Pickett - supervisor CG
- Carles Piles - texture artist: Weta Digital
- James Porter - camera technical director
- Christian Poullay - camera td: Weta Digital
- Sam Prebble - creature assistant technical director: Weta Digital
- Eddy Purnomo - effects technical director: Weta Digital
- Simon Quach - motion editor: Weta Digital
- Ula Rademeyer - lead texture artist: Weta Digital
- Pascal Raimbault - lead modeler: Weta Digital
- Kade Ramsey - rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Troy Ramsey - senior paint artist: Weta Digital
- Ellen Rappenecker - lead facial motion editor: Weta Digital
- Craig Douglas Rattray - rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
- Markus Reithoffer - digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Marco Revelant - models supervisor: Weta Digital
- Nicholas Richter - motion editor
- Ryan Rogers - director técnico de iluminación
- Sharuddin Rosunally - compositing production manager: Weta Digital
- Jesús Ruiz Torres - motion editor
- Kristina Russo - digital artist: Weta Digital
- Eric Saindon - supervisor de efectos visuales
- Alessandro Saponi - lead lighting
- Horst Sarubin - motion control camera operator
- Caterina Schiffers - texture artist: Weta digital
- Carsten Seller - animación
- Paolo Emilio Selva - software developer: Weta Digital
- Paul Seyb - efectos visuales
- Amir Shachar - shader development: Weta Digital
- Marnie Shachar - texture artist: Weta Digital
- Sam Sharplin - digital modeler: Weta Digital
- Aurynn Shaw - production engineer: Weta Digital
- Kevin L. Sherwood - productor de efectos visuales
- Eric Sibley - stereoscopic compositor
- Chrystia Siolkowsky - roto artist
- Anna Sitjà - texture artist: Weta Digital
- Brett Skinner - senior texture and look dev artist
- Matt Sloan - efectos visuales
- Lori Smallwood - senior animation technical director
- Cole Smith - models coordinator
- Marc Smith - camera TD: Weta Digital
- Perry Hyunwoo Sohn - camera technical director: Weta Digital
- Michael Solon - paint artist
- Gerrard Southam - previsualisation artist
- Jonas Sperl - layout technical director: Weta Digital
- Albrecht Steinmetz - camera lead: Weta Digital
- John Stevenson-Galvin - senior digital modeler: Weta Digital
- Matteo Stirati - modeller: Weta Digital
- Justin Stockton - layout technical director: Weta Digital
- Rosalind Stratton - layout technical director: Weta Digital
- Francois Sugny - artista de efectos visuales
- Giuseppe Tagliavini - lead compositor: Weta Digital
- Reynold Tagore - texture artist/look dev
- Hirofumi Takeda - digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Eric Tang - lead creature technical director: Weta Digital
- Sompong Teekasathien - digital modeller: Weta Digital
- Sunny Teich - senior creature technical director
- Felix Telfer - effects assistant technical director
- Chris Templeman - artista del rotoscopio
- Kieran Tether - lighting technical director: Weta Digital
- Amy Thomas - lead assistant technical director
- Shannon Thomas - senior modeler: Weta Digital
- Audrea Topps Harjo - creatures production manager: WETA Digital
- Wayne Traudt - director técnico
- Diego Trazzi - lead fx: Weta Digital
- Jon Tyler - build lead: Weta Digital
- James Van Der Reyden - motion capture technical director: Weta Digital
- Phil Van Der Reyden - modelador
- Chris Van Dyck - digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Douglas Peter Viljoen - artista del rotoscopio
- Andreja Vuckovic - modelador: Weta Digital
- Reed Wade - production engineer
- Chris Walker - lighting technical director: weta digital
- Brenda R. Wallace - production engineer
- Diana Marie Wells - digital painter
- Kenneth Wells - technical support: Weta Digital
- Tobias Wiesner - digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Fraser Wilkinson - layout technical director: Weta Digital
- Gavin Williams - motion editor: Weta Digital
- James Willingham III - previsualization artist
- Nicholas Wilson - senior digital modeler: Weta Digital
- Stephen Wilson - digital compositor: Weta digital
- Garrett Winters - layout technical director: Weta Digital
- Roger Wong - creature technical director: Weta Digital
- Clare Woodford-Robinson - digital modeler: Weta Digital
- Piotr Fox Wysocki - senior texture r&d and look dev artist
- Junying Xu - texture artist: Weta Digital
- Casey Yahnke - senior digital paint artist: Weta Digital
- Kelvin Yee - digital compositor: Weta Digital
- Viki Yeo - texture artist: Weta Digital
- Craig Young - animación: Weta Digital
- Chris Zammit - senior texture artist/look dev: Weta digital
- Marzena Zareba - on-set vfx, vfx data wrangler: Weta Digital
- Marzena Zareba - vfx artist: matchmover: Weta Digital
- Mohand Zennadi - senior technical director: lighting
- Daniel Zettl - animador Sr.
- Genevieve Aitken - doble
- Daniel Andrews - doble
- Matt Bennett - doble
- Crystal Branch-Vickers - doble
- Sean Button - stunt double: Kili
- Joel Amos Byrnes - dobles
- Justin B. Carter - doble
- Scott Chiplin - stunt double: Bifur
- Scott Chiplin - doble
- Glenn Chow - dobles
- Rodney Cook - doble
- Jonathan Costelloe - doble
- Andrew Cottle - asistente de dobles
- Mana Hira Davis - stunt double: Thorin Oakenshield
- Steven A. Davis - doble
- Peter Dillon - stunt double: Kenn Stott
- Aron Eastwood - dobles
- Morgan Evans - doble
- Michael M. Foster - doble
- Brendan Guerin - doble
- Winham Hammond - stunt double: Dwalin
- Isaac Hamon - stunt double: Oin
- Jeremy Hollis - stunt double: Dori
- Michael Homick - stunt double: Gandalf
- Neal Horton - doble
- Ingrid Kleinig - stunt double: Tauriel
- Tony Marsh - stunt double: Gloin
- Jonny McBride - doble
- Jonny McBride - doble
- Tim McLachlan - doble
- Steven McMichael - sword master/fight choreographer
- Hiroo Minami - doble
- David J. Muzzerall - stunt double: Ori
- James O'Donnell - coordinador de dobles (UK Unit)
- John Osborne - asistente de dobles
- Lachlan Parkinson - doble
- Philip Partridge - doble
- Nooroa Poa - aparejo para dobles
- Shane Rangi - doble
- Steve Reinsfield - asistente de dobles
- Vincent Roxburgh - stunt double: Bofur
- George Saliba - aparejo para dobles
- Michael Saliba - dobles
- Nicholas Schodel - doble
- Paul Shapcott - asistente de coordinación de escenas de acción
- Brett Sheerin - stunt double: Bilbo Baggins
- Marco Sinigaglia - dobles
- Allan Smith - stunt double: Nori
- Bronson Steel - stunt double: Bombur
- Stuart Thorp - dobles
- Jacob Tomuri - doble
- Mark Trotter - doble
- Connor Van Vuuren - dobles
- James Waterhouse-Brown - stunt double: Fili
- Chris Weir - doble
- Gemma Weston - doble
- Min Windle - doble
- Tim Wong - asistente de coordinación de escenas de acción
- Tim Wong - stunt double: Radagast
Cámara y Departamento Eléctrico
- Matt Andrews - técnico en iluminación
- Sam Bailey - segundo asistente de cámara
- Ian Barwick - rigging gaffer: UK
- Richard Bluck - director of photography: second unit
- David Brown - key rigging gaffer
- Nat Brunt - aprendiz de camarógrafo
- Jamie Couper - best boy: second unit
- Gareth Daley - 3d camera supervisor
- Colin Deane - primer asistente de cámara
- Ants Farrell - asistente
- James Fisher - fotógrafo
- Darren Foster - video assist
- Lachlan French - video assist assistant
- Reg Garside - Jefe de Iluminación (gaffer)
- Simon Harding - operador de cámara
- Scott Harman - técnico en iluminación
- Dion Hartley - head of technology
- Brenden Holster - primer asistente de cámara
- Sean Kelly - lead stereographer
- Mathew Knight - mocap reference camera operator
- Andreas Mahn - mocap reference camera operator
- Rob Marsh - operador de cámara
- Peter McCaffrey - camera operator: "a" camera, second unit
- Peter McCaffrey - steadicam operator: second unit
- Cameron McLean - operador de cámara
- Garth Michael - second assistant camera: cámara "a"
- Joseph Michael - segundo asistente de cámara
- Dusty Millar - segundo asistente de cámara
- Reuben Morrison - lighting console programmer
- Jason Naran - hd video assist operator
- Jason Naran - video operator: second unit
- David B. Nowell - director aéreo de fotografía
- Luis Olivares - key hd video assist operator
- Simon Oliver - técnico en iluminación
- Toloa Petaia - video assist
- Noor Razzak - additional grip: second unit
- James Rua - stereographer: segunda unidad
- Rohan Satyanand - video assist
- Lee Scott - técnico en iluminación
- David Shaw - dolly grip
- Amber Marie Smith - data wrangler
- Philip A.T. Smith - lead stereographer: second unit
- Caleb Staines - camera engineer: second unit
- James Starr - video assist: UK unit
- Matt Tuffin - mocap reference camera operator
- Michael Vivian - dolly grip: a camera
- Angus Ward - additional stereographer
- Grant Wilson - off-set best boy
- Sarah Thompson - lighting rigger (sin acreditar)
Departamento de Animación
- Gerald Clevy - animador Sr.
- Aaron Gilman - animador Sr.
- Elizabeth Gray - animación: Weta Digital
- Carmelo Leggiero - animación
- Merlin Lepper - animación
- Brad Lincoln - animación: Weta Digital
- Robyn Luckham - animación
- Tom Meade - animation technical director
- Andrew Park - animación
- Karl Rapley - animación
- Eric Reynolds - supervisor de animación
- Rini Sugianto - animación
- Philip To - animación
- Sebastian Trujillo - animación
- Matt Weaver - previs
- Clare Williams - animación
Departamento de reparto
- Victoria Cole - extras casting director
- Toby Guidry - ayudante de casting
- Matthew Maisto - casting associate: New York
- Ann Robinson - casting: Australia
Departamento de vestuario
- Jeeda Barford - costume buyer
- Paul Booth - extras costume supervisor
- Hamish Brown - art finisher
- Bob Buck - associate costume designer
- Tom Caddy - breakdown supervisor
- Daniel Calvert - art finisher
- Paula Collier - costume textile artist
- John Cowell - head textile artist
- Anna Deacon - costume pattern cutter
- Hayley May - milliner
- Melissa Montague - costurera
- Ben Price - costume props supervisor
- Jenny Rushton - jefe de vestuario
- Rose-Marie Salmon - art finisher
- Amy Wright - breakdown supervisor
- Amy Wright - key breakdown artist
Departamento de Edición
- Joyce Kamille Cristal - data wrangler: Park Road Post Production
- Greg Daniels - segundo asistente al editor
- Daniel Eady - 3D digital dailies
- Meetal Gokul - lead stereoscopic artist
- Rob Gordon - senior on-line editor
- Julian Karehana - segundo asistente al editor
- Christopher Rudkin - dailies colourist
Departamento de Música
- Karen Elliott - supervisor musical
- Laurence Love Greed - editor musical
- Howard Shore - conductor
- Howard Shore - orquestador
Departamento de Transporte
- Aaron Dickson - transport office assistant
- Tim Harris - transport captain
- David O'Connor - piloto: producers
- Glenn Shaw - transport manager
Otros miembros del equipo
- Sarah Allman - second unit: location assistant
- Rick Baer - contador
- Brett Beattie - scale double: Fili
- Katherine E. Beyda - ejecutivo de producción
- Dion Boothby - lead armourer
- Shane Boulton - body double: Lindir
- Andy Buckley - health and safety coordinator
- Roisin Carty - supervising dialect coach
- David Comer - explorador de locaciones
- Jared Connon - supervising location manager
- Andrew Cooke - studio manager: UK
- John Cubelic - asistente de productor ejecutivo
- Nour Dardari - chief financial controller
- Natalie Doherty - assistant paymaster (como Natalie Price)
- Michael John Fowler - scale double: Bain
- Lucy Gibson - craft service assistant
- Rachel Gilkison - secretaria de producción
- Mathew Gordon - gerente de localización
- Amy Gurr - contador asistente
- Jonathan Harding - contador asistente
- Fiona Harper - production assistant: UK
- Cale Hetariki - coordinador de viajes
- Tim Hope - travel & accomodation
- Shelley Hopkins - contador asistente
- Rewi Hudson - key unit assistant
- Dean Knowsley - suplente
- Jon Kuyper - ejecutivo de producción
- Jamie Lawrence - assistant & driver to Mr. James Nesbitt
- Veronique Lawrence - supervisor adicional de guión
- Billie Lusk - on-set caterer
- Andrew Marshall - asistente de coordinador de producción
- Freddie Martin - studio production assistant: uk
- Jane McCurdy - coordinador de producción
- Leith McPherson - profesor de dialecto
- Sebastian Meek - asistente: Peter Jackson
- Randy Miller - exotic animal supplier
- Linus Murphy - primer asistente de contabilidad
- Sharon Ninness - coordinador de exteriores
- Simon Noakes - key unit assistant
- Terry Notary - movement choreographer
- Petra Novotná - horse wrangler
- Steve Old - head animal wrangler
- Gabe Page - craft service manager
- Samuel Page - jefe del departamento técnico
- Akshay Parbhu - IT support
- Paul Randall - scale double: Gandalf
- Stephanie Scott - assistant to Jon Kuyper
- Kiran Shah - scale double: Bilbo Baggins
- Teresa Shand - coordinador de producción
- Todd Smythe - advance location coordinator
- Rachel Stewart - assistant location coordinator
- Paul Stieglbauer - craft service manager
- Helene Takacs - coordinador de producción
- Brenna Townshend - cast liaison
- Tom Treasure - asistente de producción
- Nick Trugly - IT systems manager
- Karla Wallace - production coordinator: second unit
- Jessica Walsh - asistente de localización
- Jonathan Weber - asistente de productor ejecutivo
- Jennifer Whiting - assistant production coordinator: second unit
- Jamie Wilson - production manager: Weta Workshop
- Josh Wood - production executive: New Line Cinema
- Emma Worley - asistente de coordinador
- Justin Young - IT support
- New Line Cinema
- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
- WingNut Films
- 3Foot7
- Forum Hungary (2012) (Hungría) (cine)
- Warner Bros. Entertainment (2012) (Canadá) (cine)
- Warner Bros. Pictures (2012) (Estados Unidos) (cine)
- Warner Bros. (2012) (Países Bajos) (cine)
Compañías de Efectos especiales
- 3ality Technica
- Makeup Effects Group Studio
- Sky Vega
- Weta Digital
- Weta Workshop
Otras Compañías
- Background Talent casting de extras
- Dolby Laboratories sound mix (Dolby Atmos)
- Park Road Post post-production facilities
- Pinewood Shepperton foros
- Red Digital Cinema camera equipment provided by
- Stone Street Studios foros